Kajian Gaya Arsitektur Metafora Pada Bangunan The Keranjang Bali Sebagai Pusat Souvenir Para Penggiat UMKM Di Bali

  • Kadek Risna Puspita Giri Sekolah Tinggi Desain Bali
  • I Kadek Pranajaya IDB Bali
  • Nyoman Gema Endra Persada
  • I Gede Bagus Adi Putra Yasa Institut Desain dan Bisnis Bali
Keywords: architecture, metaphor, souvenir center


Since the first, Bali is known as one of the favorite tourist destinations. Aside from being a tourist spot, hunting for Balinese souvenirs is one of the tourist destinations before returning to their hometown or country of origin. Souvenir shops from small to large scale are widely spread in tourist areas to meet market demands. However, there is one souvenir center in Bali that is unique, seen from the facade of the building that resembles a basket. Carrying the concept of Combination Metaphor Architecture, The Basket is able to transform the function of the building as "Bali in one Basket" through the composition of the building. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method, through data obtained from observations, documentation, and studies of relevant literature studies. This study seeks to examine and understand the characteristics and application of a metaphoric architectural style in a building in terms of design elements. Metaphoric architecture is an architecture that uses parables or parables from the ideas of other objects. Based on the analysis and discussion of the object of the case study, it can be concluded that the application of the concept of metaphoric architecture in The Keranjang Bali building can be applied to all parts of the building, such as the shape of the building facade, the similarity of building materials, as well as the nature and function of the building.


Keywords: architecture, metaphor, souvenir center


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How to Cite
Giri, K. R. P., Pranajaya, I. K., Persada, N., & Putra Yasa, I. G. B. A. (2022). Kajian Gaya Arsitektur Metafora Pada Bangunan The Keranjang Bali Sebagai Pusat Souvenir Para Penggiat UMKM Di Bali. SENADA (Seminar Nasional Manajemen, Desain Dan Aplikasi Bisnis Teknologi), 5, 89-98. Retrieved from https://eprosiding.idbbali.ac.id/index.php/senada/article/view/647
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