Developing Peer Tutoring Digital Notes with See, Think, Wonder Thinking Routine

  • Devanny Gumulya Universitas Pelita Harapan
Keywords: slow learner, digital notes, see think wonder thinking routine


Slow learner struggles in their academics. Peer tutoring has been identified as an effective learning strategy for slow learner and yet specific peer tutoring strategy for slow learner hasn’t been developed much. See-Think-Wonder (STW) is a thinking habit that emphasizes the value of inquiry-based thinking through a three steps procedure attentive observation, see, think and wonder. STW has been applied successfully applied in classroom and can be good for peer tutoring activities. To achieve good peer tutoring result, it can be facilitated through note taking. Note taking can help learners to process, organize and understand what is being learnt and students who are write better notes in general are higher achievers. The study uses design approach and tries to apply see, think, wonder as note taking strategies for slow learner during peer tutoring. The study result is a website application named Pelitaku. It has three main functions for slow learners: find peer tutors, book a tutor session, and create digital notes while peer tutoring. The digital notes have three features. The reminder feature is intended to help slow learner’s lack of attention, while the tips feature is intended to help with slow learner’s inability to connect disparate pieces of information and slow learner’s lack of curiosity


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How to Cite
Gumulya, D. (2022). Developing Peer Tutoring Digital Notes with See, Think, Wonder Thinking Routine. SENADA (Seminar Nasional Manajemen, Desain Dan Aplikasi Bisnis Teknologi), 5, 226-236. Retrieved from
Abstract dilihat 647 kali
FULL TEXT diunduh 386 kali

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