• Gde Bagus Andhika Wicaksana
  • Made Anggita Wahyudi Linggasani
  • I Wayan Yogik Adnyana Putra
Keywords: Pedestrian, Friendly, Pedestrian, Skalogram


Human activities in fulfilling their needs cause them to move and relate to each other, this makes mobility an integral part of a community function that shows a close relationship with the lifestyle, reach and location of productive activities. Within the scope of a city, the existence of public space is a major element of the city that determines the relationship or interconnection between layers of society and with the city environment itself. However, over time, urban areas no longer accommodate pedestrians, but the presence of motorized vehicles. The human scale in urban areas is designed with considerations based on vehicle freedom only so that it shifts people's interest in walking. The analytical method used in this research is the scalogram technique to identify a single scale, as long as the effective measure of attitude in a situation exists and can be obtained. The purpose of the scalogram technique is to rank a particular object. There are four clusters that are the focus of pedestrian classification, consisting of pedestrians in commercial areas. From this statement, this study focuses on identifying the factors which are then used to represent the characteristics of each area point that has the potential to be a pedestrian location. So, the hierarchy results are obtained as a calculation of the degree of pedestrian friendliness for an area.


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How to Cite
Wicaksana, G. B., Linggasani, M. A., & Putra, I. W. Y. A. (2021). PENILAIAN DESAIN PEDESTRIAN PADA KAWASAN KOMERSIAL DI KOTA DENPASAR. SENADA (Seminar Nasional Manajemen, Desain Dan Aplikasi Bisnis Teknologi), 4, 159-167. Retrieved from
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