• I Gede Adi Sudi Anggara STMIK STIKOM Indonesia
  • I Made Marthana Yusa STMIK STIKOM Indonesia
  • I Nyoman Jayanegara STMIK STIKOM Indonesia
Keywords: 2D Animation, Kamasan Classic Style, Tantri, moral message


I Empas teken i Angsa is one of the tantri or fable stories in bali has been passed down orally from generation to generation. This story is full of messages belief in the moral of oneself and disregard the words of others, so it is still very relevant in the present. This moral message will be conveyed creatively through 2d animated films with classic kamasan style to draw interest in children. The classic style of kamasan is one of the classical painting styles in bali that has a basic rules with a characteristic of character forms with background with pepatran, the use of natural colors, and regular compositions. In addition, the classic kamasan style contains values about life behavior in the community. Collaborative technology between stories tantri through 2d animated films in classical style are not only the creative exploration between the modern style and the classic but further as the form of a moral message in a contemporary and expected to be easier understood by children. This research implements qualitative research methods with interview data collection techniques, literature studies, and documentation. In the process of creation, this animated film uses a method general film production with three stages of preproduction, stages of production, and post-processing. As for the results of this study is: 1) Efforts to preserve folklore as an oral tradition art can be done by packaging it into modern media, such as 2d animated films, 2) Collaboration between classical tradition and modern technology can produce new and creative products, visual elements with the classic wayang kamasan style can be applied in the visualization of animated characters and their supporting backgrounds, as well as providing imaginative effects.

How to Cite
Sudi Anggara, I. G., Marthana Yusa, I. M., & Jayanegara, I. N. (2020). KAMASAN CLASSIC STYLE IN THE 2D ANIMATED FILM I EMPAS TEKEN I ANGSA. Proceeding International Conference on Information Technology, Multimedia, Architecture, Design, and E-Business, 1, 467-476. Retrieved from https://eprosiding.idbbali.ac.id/index.php/imade/article/view/468
Abstract dilihat 653 kali
FULL TEXT diunduh 432 kali