• Muchamad Iqbal Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Bina Sarana Global
  • M. Bucci Ryando Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Bina Sarana Global
  • Triono Triono Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Bina Sarana Global
  • Nunung Nurmaesah Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Bina Sarana Global
Keywords: Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering, Single Linkage, Average Linkage, Silhouette Score, Calinski-Harabasz Index, Prospective New Students


Global Institute of Technology and Business is one of the private universities focusing on computer science. In animating the survival of higher education, the marketing division is required to find as many new students as possible as well as the increasingly tight competition of private universities in finding new students for registration. Not being on target in determining the target market becomes a very dangerous problem in the survival of private colleges. The purpose of this research is to get the right target market from the clustering results of new students and get characteristics from prospective new students and help the marketing division in achieving the registration target. This research using Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering method with single linkage and average linkage algorithm and testing was done using Silhouette Score and Calinski Harabasz Index. Learning the characteristics of clusters takes 7 clusters to study. The result of learning the characteristics of the cluster is to get cluster 6 as a cluster with characteristics with good results.


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How to Cite
Iqbal, M., Ryando, M. B., Triono, T., & Nurmaesah, N. (2022). CLUSTERING OF PROSPECTIVE NEW STUDENTS USING AGGLOMERATIVE HIERARCHICAL CLUSTERING. Proceeding International Conference on Information Technology, Multimedia, Architecture, Design, and E-Business, 2, 183-192. Retrieved from
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