• Ida Bagus Ary Indra Iswara Institut Bisnis dan Teknologi Indonesia (INSTIKI)
  • I Made Gede Oka Graha Adinata Institut Bisnis dan Teknologi Indonesia (INSTIKI)
  • Ida Bagus Gede Sarasvananda Institut Bisnis dan Teknologi Indonesia (INSTIKI)
  • I Gusti Made Ngurah Desnanjaya Institut Bisnis dan Teknologi Indonesia (INSTIKI)
Keywords: Plagiarism, Balinese Language, Levenshtein Distance, Similarities, Documents


Plagiarism is the act of plagiarizing or taking the work of someone who is recognized as his own work, plagiarism is very detrimental to the owner of the work whose work is plagiarized. Therefore, the detection of plagiarism needs to be done in order to reduce the act of plagiarism. This study aims to build a similarity detection system for Balinese documents, find plagiarism in Balinese documents and determine CPU performance when the system is running. The method used in this study is the Levenshtein Distance method, the system development method used, namely the Waterfall method and the data collection method using the library method and the Bastal algorithm used to run stemming. The results of this study indicate that the Balinese document similarity detection system that has been built using the Levenshtein Distance method to detect documents that have the same content gets a high percentage of similarity, which is 100%, while documents that have a low percentage probability get a percentage of 23% to 34%, the average CPU performance is 33% and the highest is 35%.


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How to Cite
Iswara, I. B. A. I., Adinata, I. M. G. O. G., Sarasvananda, I. B. G., & Desnanjaya, I. G. M. N. (2022). PLAGIARISM DETECTION SYSTEM IN BALI USING THE LEVENSHTEIN DISTANCE METHOD. Proceeding International Conference on Information Technology, Multimedia, Architecture, Design, and E-Business, 2, 72-79. Retrieved from
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