• Putu Wirayudi Aditama Institut Bisnis dan Teknologi Indonesia
  • Ni Putu Suci Meinarni Institut Bisnis dan Teknologi Indonesia
  • Ajeng Larasati Institut Bisnis dan Teknologi Indonesia
Keywords: Keywords: Digitization, E-commerce, Culinary, Bali


Bali has a very interesting natural wealth so that it is used as one of the tourism places with a lot of enthusiasts ranging from arts, customs, tourism, and especially in terms of culinary, but the COVID-19 pandemic that has not ended has an impact on economic instability, including on Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in Bali. The solution to overcome this problem is to build an online marketing and trading system known as e-commerce as a means of digitizing Balinese food and beverage products.  The system development method used is the waterfall method. The results of this study created and available digitization of Balinese food and beverage products through website-based e-commerce, namely under the name, "E-Ajengan Bali".  In this study, testing was carried out using the black-box testing method. Based on the results of the assessment of 75 respondents from the public showing a figure of 100% with the digitization of Balinese food and beverage products on e-commerce "E-Ajengan Bali" provides clear information about Balinese culinary, this is also supported by 30 respondents who own SME who show a figure of 96% agree with using e-commerce "E-Ajengan Bali" the opportunity to get promotion and marketing to SME will increase.



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How to Cite
Wirayudi Aditama, P., Suci Meinarni, N. P., & Larasati, A. (2022). DIGITIZATION OF BALINESE FOOD AND BEVERAGE PRODUCTS THROUGH E-AJENGAN BALI TO SUPPORT SMEs IN BALI. Proceeding International Conference on Information Technology, Multimedia, Architecture, Design, and E-Business, 2, 9-15. Retrieved from https://eprosiding.idbbali.ac.id/index.php/imade/article/view/699
Abstract dilihat 535 kali
FULL TEXT diunduh 246 kali