• Nisa Eka Nastiti Universitas Telkom
  • Aisyi Syafikarani Telkom University
Keywords: emotional branding, platform, crowdfunding, loyalty, kitabisa.com


Fundraising, or commonly called crowdfunding, has begun to be performed in Indonesia. It arises because of the generosity of the people who want to help various victims of disasters such as earthquakes, floods, and existing social problems. Many ways can be done to raise funds by making direct donations through organizations, various social media, and digital platforms. One of them is Kitabisa.com. Kitabisa.com is a digital platform to donate and raise funds online since 2013. Many people are loyal to use this digital platform. So far, Kitabisa.com has connected more than 1 million people and distributed Rp.500 billion more donations to various parties in need. Therefore, researchers want to know the strategies used by Kitabisa.com to gain people’s trust and loyalty. This study uses literature studies and in-depth interview. Then the data obtained are analyzed using emotional branding theory. The purpose of this research is to find out the emotional branding used by kitabisa.com in maintaining public loyalty. The results of this study can be useful for academics and practitioners engaged in the field of branding.


Keywords: emotional branding, platform, crowdfunding, loyalty, kitabisa.com

How to Cite
Nastiti, N., & Syafikarani, A. (2020). EMOTIONAL BRANDING OF KITABISA.COM IN MAINTAINING COMMUNITY LOYALTY. Proceeding International Conference on Information Technology, Multimedia, Architecture, Design, and E-Business, 1, 415-421. Retrieved from https://eprosiding.idbbali.ac.id/index.php/imade/article/view/443
Abstract dilihat 580 kali
FULL TEXT diunduh 498 kali