• Made Vairagya Yogantari Ms.
  • I Gusti Bagus Bayu Baruna Ariesta Sekolah Tinggi Desain Bali
Keywords: copywriting, brand identity, coffee shop


Copywriting commonly known as a technique or the art of conveying verbal messages to the audience. As one of the vital elements of promotion, the text element which called copy can be used in various media such as advertisements, articles, blogs, taglines or as a name of a brand or product. In the midst of a boost in digital technology and the expansion of the creative economy in Indonesia, many businesses are optimizing the use of creative copywriting to build their brand identity. One of the most flourishing beverage business in Indonesia today, is a specialty coffee shop with a takeaway concept. This, of course, invites intense competition between stalls. One strategy that can be applied to win this fierce competition, is to strengthen its brand identity through creative copywriting. This Research on the effect of creative copywriting on take away coffee shop brand identity was carried out using qualitative and quantitative methods. Qualitative data consists of data about three case objects that have been determined at the research framework. Quantitative data, in the form of data from respondents, includes how consumers remember brand identity after seeing their copywriting and how consumers respond the copywriting from the brands. The aim of this research is to prove the concept of the phenomenon found in the field and then be tested using a case study object. The results of the research will help the culinary business, especially in the beverage sector to determine copywriting so that their brand identity becomes refined and can increase their brand awareness.

How to Cite
Yogantari, M., & Ariesta, I. G. B. B. (2020). THE CREATIVE COPYWRITING ON TAKEAWAY COFFEE BRAND IDENTITY. Proceeding International Conference on Information Technology, Multimedia, Architecture, Design, and E-Business, 1, 341-347. Retrieved from
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